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What’s Your Story?

I am looking for great stories from Christmas decorators for potential inclusion in my new book, Twinkle!: The Ultimate Guide to outdoor Christmas Decorating.

I expect that the book will be ready to go to editing by around the end of August. So send me your stories quick!

The book will include quotes from decorators about why you do what you do. I want to know the story of our display and why you decorate. I want to know your favorite stories about people who have visited your display. I want to know how many smiles and memories you have helped create. I want to know about the charities that benefit because of your important work as a decorator. Whatever story you have, I want to hear it!

Send Your Stories to:

Everyone who submits a story will get a free PDF version of the book when it comes out!

If your story is used in the book, I’ll send you a printed copy too!

Stay up to date on theBooks progress: